Category: Adolescents

CBT for Perfectionism

Cognitive behavioural therapy for perfectionism It’s a common perception that having a determination for perfection is a positive character trait that will maximise a person’s chances of happiness and success. But if someone is constantly chasing unrealistic ideals of perfection, it can have a detrimental effect on their mental health…

CBT for Occupational Trauma

CBT For Occupational Trauma The workplace has rigorous health and safety standards to meet in order to keep employees safe from physical harm. These protocols are in place to minimise the risk of physical injury, and have clear procedures for the response and reporting of any incidents which occur. For…

CBT for Needle Phobia

Overcoming a fear of needles with cognitive behavioural therapy Needle phobia (also known as injection phobia) is a fear of any medical procedure that involves injections. The medical term for a needle phobia is trypanophobia and sufferers are likely to experience panic and stress when faced with an injection. It’s…

CBT for Medically unexplained symptoms

CBT for medically unexplained symptoms Most physical complaints can be diagnosed with a medical condition. However, it is also common for a person to have a persistent physical ailment which is a medically unexplainable, even after being examined by a doctor. Not having a diagnosis or an explanation for their…

CBT for Low confidence

CBT for low self-confidence Most of us have a healthy attitude towards how we feel about ourselves. Confidence defines the beliefs each person holds about their abilities, and it is perfectly healthy to have occasional doubts in our abilities or have concerns about how we think others perceive us. However,…

CBT for Long term conditions

CBT for long term health conditions Receiving a diagnosis of a health condition such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes is very distressing and living with a long-term illness can put a strain on the sufferers physical and mental well-being. It is quite common for people who have a long-term…

CBT for Interpersonal difficulties

CBT For Interpersonal Difficulties The relationships a person holds with their family, friends and wider social circle are integral to our mental and emotional well-being. But these relationships can also be the cause of distress and anxiety when difficulties or conflict arise. There are many emotional issues that can cause…


CBT for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a long-term condition of the digestive system that is thought to affect up to one in five people throughout their life. The physical symptoms of IBS can be quite distressing, including stomach cramps, bowel issues and bloating. The condition…

CBT for Hoarding

How CBT can treat obsessive hoarding Hoarding is an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) where the hoarder struggles to dispose of any possessions, no matter how small or unimportant the object may seem. The results of a hoarding obsession are evident in the number of items the hoarder stores, which can create…

CBT for Grief

CBT for grief & bereavement Grief is a natural reaction to loss. Everyone experiences grief at some point in their lives, yet it is an incredibly personal and unique experience for all of us. Grief tends to be associated with the death of a loved one, but it can also…