CBT For Alcohol Problems

CBT For Alcohol Problems

Issues with alcohol may be very difficult to recognise. Having a drink is often at the centre of social occasions and for most people, an occasional drink is not an issue for them.

Whilst drinking alcohol is socially acceptable in many cultures, it can become an addiction for some people. Alcohol problems include drinking more frequently, hiding the amount of alcohol they drink from their loved ones or an increased dependence on alcohol in order to function in everyday life.  For some, their alcohol issues can cause the breakdown of relationships or the loss of their job.

Depression and anxiety are also common in people with alcohol problems, as are feelings of guilt or shame about their condition which makes it even harder for the sufferer to reach out and get help. But there are positive steps that a person can take.

How CBT can help with alcohol issues

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment that has proven successful for helping those who suffer from alcohol problems.

The theory of CBT is that negative behaviours, such as alcohol abuse, are ingrained in a person’s learned beliefs and thoughts and are often used as a coping mechanism. It may be that past experiences have contributed to their unhealthy relationship with alcohol, but CBT can help to identify these unhelpful thoughts as the first step in replacing them with healthier and more positive ideas and beliefs.

It’s important to work with a qualified therapist who can help the person understand the negative impact their drinking has on their mental and physical health and to give them the tools to manage their cravings for a drinking by guiding them towards more positive behaviours instead.

A therapist will work with their client to practise these positive changes and show them how to apply their new way of thinking to everyday life, helping them to maintain and manage the emotional response that would have previously triggered their alcohol abuse.

How we can help

Jamie Dempsey M.A. BABCP accredited CBT therapist (About me link) we have proven experience in analysing and evaluating our clients individual needs through our verbal counselling sessions.

We can then define the level of treatment that will help clients to achieve a happier outlook on life without a dependency on alcohol and encourage self-growth and positive change.

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