Month: November 2024

CBT for Chronic Pain

CBT For Chronic Pain Management Everyone feels physical pain from time to time, whether it’s a stubbed toe, pulled muscle or a fall, pain is how our body alerts us that something is wrong.  Usually, once the injury or wound heals, the pain will go away. But with chronic pain,…

CBT for Chronic Fatigue

CBT for chronic fatigue Chronic fatigue is a long-term health condition which can affect people of any age. The main symptom is extreme tiredness that doesn’t go away even after resting, although many sufferers also experience pain and issues with their memory, concentration or sleep. In many cases, chronic fatigue…

CBT for Burnout

CBT for occupational burnout A person who is struggling to manage work-related stress is placing themselves at risk of occupational burnout. As a nation we are all at risk of burnout. Smartphones mean we are constantly connected to work-related emails and calls, making it hard to walk away from work…

CBT for Bulimia

CBT For Bulimia Bulimia is a form of eating disorder that is associated with ‘binge eating’.  Bulimia is more than occasionally overindulging in a favourite meal, with bulimia sufferers feeling they are not in control of the amount of food they are consuming.  After a binge, the person often feels…

CBT for Body Dysmorphia

CBT and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) Most people will admit that we have areas of our appearance that we would like to improve or change, but their insecurities are very minor and do not cause them any distress or anxiety. For people with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia,…

CBT for Blood Phobia

How CBT can help overcome a fear of the sight of blood It’s natural for people to feel a little uncomfortable at the sight of blood, as we have evolved to associate blood with pain or danger. However, some people develop an intense and extreme fear of blood, which can…

CBT for Bipolar

CBT For Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a challenging mental health condition that affects a person’s mood to extreme levels. We all experience changes in our mood and it is perfectly natural have feelings or happiness, sadness and every emotion in between at certain points in our lives. However, if…

CBT For Alcohol Problems

CBT For Alcohol Problems Issues with alcohol may be very difficult to recognise. Having a drink is often at the centre of social occasions and for most people, an occasional drink is not an issue for them. Whilst drinking alcohol is socially acceptable in many cultures, it can become an…

CBT For Agoraphobia

CBT For Agoraphobia Agoraphobia is a debilitating condition which many people associate with a fear of open spaces. In reality it is much more complex than simply a fear of being outside. Agoraphobia is term that is used to describe an anxiety of being in a situation where escape could…