CBT For Gambling Addiction It’s widely documented that gambling can lead to serious problems for some individuals and this can have devasting effects on the lives of those with a gambling addiction. People who have gambling problems often spend more than they can afford on their addiction. And in a…
CBT for generalised anxiety disorder It is natural to feel anxious or to worry at some point in our lives. But if feelings of anxiety are overwhelming or a person becomes concerned or apprehensive about many aspects of their life, they could be experiencing General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD does…
CBT For Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a debilitating long-term condition that causes the sufferer physical pain all over their body. There are many symptoms of fibromyalgia including fatigue, muscle stiffness and an increased sensitivity to pain. People with the condition can also experience sleep issues and difficulties with their memory and…
CBT for emotion regulation difficulties We are all emotional beings, and an important aspect of living a fulfilled life is learning to control our emotions in everyday situations. As we develop, we begin to understand how intense our emotional reactions can be, how long they last and how we express…
CBT For Eating Disorders Anyone who develops an unhealthy relationship with food can be classed as suffering from an eating disorder. There is no single definition of an eating disorder, as both eating too little or too much can have physical and mental health consequences. A person with an eating…
CBT For Driving Phobias Phobias are a debilitating condition that can develop when a person has an unrealistic fear about a particular situation. Driving phobias are quite common, and motorists can lose their confidence behind the wheel for a variety of reasons. A fear of driving can be caused by…
CBT for Diabetes Type 1 & 2 Being diagnosed with diabetes is difficult to come to terms with as it can be a complex condition to learn to live with. Whilst there are many types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 are the most common in UK adults. With…
CBT For Depersonalisation Depersonalisation disorder is a challenging condition whereby a person has periods of feeling disconnected from their thoughts and body. It’s often described as a feeling of observing yourself from outside the body, or that the person is in a dream. Other symptoms that can be experienced are…
CBT For Deliberate Self-Harm Deliberate self-harm is a distressing condition where a person feels compelled to cause injury to their body. Self-harm is often an action that the person believes will relieve their emotional suffering or help them to cope with a traumatic situation or event. It can also be…
CBT For Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease is a physical health condition where the blood vessels supplying a person’s heart become narrow or blocked. A diagnosis of heart disease is very distressing to hear and can have a significant effect on the emotional well-being of the person receiving news…