CBT for Interpersonal difficulties

CBT For Interpersonal Difficulties

The relationships a person holds with their family, friends and wider social circle are integral to our mental and emotional well-being. But these relationships can also be the cause of distress and anxiety when difficulties or conflict arise.

There are many emotional issues that can cause challenges within relationships, such as personality disorders, depression, anxiety and trauma.  These conditions can cause interpersonal difficulties which make it hard to communicate effectively and maintain health relationships, and sufferers can feel easily angered or frustrated by these communication issues.

Many people with interpersonal difficulties can also struggle to listen to others and may become withdrawn socially and experience loneliness as a result of this.

Left unchallenged, these issues can lead to repeated negative interactions in a person’s relationships – both personally and professionally. It’s important to address the root causes of interpersonal difficulties to allow the person to move on and give them the confidence to build more balanced relationships.

CBT can help to build healthier relationships

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based verbal therapy that helps clients to recognise and address the causes of their interpersonal difficulties and teach them the techniques to build happier social interactions with their loved ones.

A professional CBT therapist will work with their client to build on their emotional awareness and identify any unrealistic thoughts about how they form interpersonal relationships.  Through effective CBT, a person can develop greater awareness of their emotions, challenge unhelpful behaviours and learn how to regulate their emotions to improve their interpersonal skills.

By gaining this important insight into their irrational thoughts and problematic behaviours, it becomes possible to learn new, helpful techniques to control and cope with the symptoms associated with interpersonal difficulties.

Professional help is available

Jamie Dempsey is an Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist who has proven experience in improving the lives of hundreds of patients, helping them to gain a greater understanding of the emotional aspects and complexities of interpersonal relationships.

Contact Jamie and take the first step towards sustaining fulfilled and healthy relationships free from conflict and anxiety.

With effective intervention, a person can break the chain of their negative thought patterns and behaviours to allow them to re-establish their personal and professional relationships successfully

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