CBT for Bipolar

CBT For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a challenging mental health condition that affects a person’s mood to extreme levels.

We all experience changes in our mood and it is perfectly natural have feelings or happiness, sadness and every emotion in between at certain points in our lives.

However, if a person suffers from bipolar disorder, their mood changes are often overwhelming and can swing from an extreme high (or manic episode) to a severe low resulting in a period of depression.

During a manic episode, a person may feel easily distracted, yet full of ideas. It’s common to have an abundance of energy, which results in a lack of sleep or loss of appetite. Some people with bipolar disorder make risky decisions or experience illogical thoughts during this time.

If the person’s mood swings into a depression period, they commonly experience extreme sadness or hopelessness and a loss of interest in everyday activities and relationships. They may find they have difficulty concentrating or feel intensely irritable and worthless.

How CBT can help sufferers of bipolar disorder

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an effective and evidence-based treatment that can help bipolar sufferers to understand more about their condition. Working with a qualified and empathetic CBT counsellor, the person can recognise their negative thought patterns and learn new skills to cope with their periods of mania and depression more effectively.

A therapist has the necessary experience to help their client identify the early signs of a manic or depressive period and encourages the person to be aware of any negative thoughts and behaviours that are unhelpful or unproductive.

Under the guidance of a therapist, a bipolar sufferer can then begin to challenge these unrealistic thoughts and behaviours and think more positively about their situation.

Over time, the person will begin to apply more realistic thought patterns to their daily life which will reduce the impact that bipolar disorder has on their feelings and relationships.

How we can help

At Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Interventions we have proven experience in analysing and evaluating the individual needs of bipolar sufferers through our counselling sessions. We can then define the level of treatment that will help our clients to achieve a better balance and management of their condition with empowerment, self-growth and positive change.

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